Constructing Perspective

Introducing Our New Reflective Journal

Step into a world of self-discovery and empathy-building as you embark on this transformative journaling experience. Each page is meticulously designed to guide you through introspective prompts, thought-provoking exercises, and mindful reflections.
Equity, diversity and inclusion consultants
Equity, diversity and inclusion consultants

Why a Reflection Journal?

At Construct The Present we understand that social justice consciousness is a life-long process of learning, applying, and growing. Our commitment to our community is to create many opportunities for curiosity, reflection, and growth. Collaborating with us through the workplace offers strategic implementation and connection, and this journal is meant to inspire thought around personal and organizational change.

There are many different ways to use this reflection Journal:

Personally: You can work your way through individually by writing, reflecting, meditating as a self-guided process.
Small work group: Connect with a group of friends, colleagues, and community members and structure a series of get-togethers to reflect, converse, and grow your lens of the world. This can be done in affinity spaces with people from similar backgrounds or in intentionally diverse small groups by creating a small group with different lived experiences.
Small community group: Your level of familiarity with the small group can be varied. You can bring together a small group of people who have no relationship but are aligned in interests or purpose.
Organization wide:  You can partner with Construct the Present to facilitate a series of discussions and activities with a small work team or your entire organization. Reach out at, (if working with us as consultants).

When To Use The Journal


To engage 20 mins – 1 hour with the reflection activities.


To deepen your perspectives and refine your lens.


As an individual process or in community with others


As prompts for discussions in meetings as often as needed.

Embrace the transformative power of reflection

Let CTP be your trusted companion on your journey toward personal growth and empathy. 

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